I was eating dinner with Marco when suddenly my cellphone vibrated. 1 message received and it's from Majah. She was excited telling me that I would be having another subject for my blog. (Wow! That's cool!) It's the Thai green tofu and chicken curry that she would be experimenting with this time. It would be a combination of green chicken curry and green tofu curry recipes. She has tried the red and the yellow curries. Both have passed with flying colors. Delicious masterpieces indeed. And now the green one, how exciting!
Came early at the condo, I was watching tv while waiting for her chopper to arrive :P. After a couple of hours, she entered the flat carrying bags of ingredients and other goodies she bought in Shopwise and in Duty Free Clark (Pampanga). My face lighted up, thrilled with the new oriental cuisine yet to be borned. She rested for a while. We had a little chit chat. Other friends arrived. Then she started to prepare and cook. Too bad my eyes got heavy since it was past 1 AM already. I did not have the chance to see the end product (sigh). I just had Ate Shiela take the picture of the curry and I'm glad she did not forget. Anyway, here's the recipe. Enjoy!
2 large chicken breast (cut into chunks)
1/2 cup firm Tofu (cut into cubes)
1 green pepper (cut into strips)
1/2 onion (chopped)
1 small cauliflower (cut into small bite size)
1 lime (cut into halves/to be juiced)
dried mushrooms
2 tbsp soy sauce
2 cups kakang gata or coconut milk
3/4 cup gata or coconut milk (pangalawang piga or second wash)
1 cup chicken stock
1/4 cup dry niyog or coconut (to be roasted)
Thai green curry paste (Majah doesn't like using powder)
ginger cut into thin strips
patis (fish sauce)
1 tbsp canola/vegetable oil
Maggi Magic Sarap granules
Marinade chicken chunks in soy sauce and lime juice for 30-60 minutes. Roast the niyog in a pan until golden brown. Set aside. In a pot, saute onions, bell pepper, and ginger in oil. Add the chicken chunks and continue to saute until flavor mixes with the meat. Mix 1 tbsp of curry paste, saute until all meat is covered. Cook till light brown. Dilute 2 tbsp of green curry paste in 1/2 cup chicken stock. (Thai paste is stronger than the usual curry powder. Do not put too much unless you really want your dish to be super hot.) Add in the pot. Mix roasted niyog and set aside about 1 tbsp for later. Let simmer for a couple of minutes. Add gata (pangalawang piga), and magic sarap granules. Mix well and let it simmer for a few minutes. Add kakang gata, then set aside about 3/4 cup. Add cauliflower and mushrooms. Simmer for a few minutes. Add tofu. Add patis and sugar to taste. For a spicier dish, add more curry paste. Add either chicken stock or gata until it reaches the desired spicyness . Once cooked, add some lime juice. Serve in a bowl.